
Information about our site and services provided herein is as accurate as possible. However, errors may have crept in and we are not liable or responsible for any consequences, misinterpretation or loss arising therefrom. NurseIndia is a nurse community portal where candidates post their resumes and employers and recruiters post their hiring requirements. All such information is provided by respective posters. We have no means of verifying accuracy of such information or claims. It is for you to check before making a commitment or applying. NurseIndia is not responsible for any loss or damage. NurseIndia is not directly related to or connected with anyone posting jobs or submitting resumes or making any offers. NurseIndia is a paid listing service and we are not responsible for authenticity of contents. NurseIndia is not responsible for any threatening communications, interactions or defamatory actions between parties who make use of our site. NurseIndia is not responsible for infringement of rights or infringements of intellectual property rights of anyone who advertises or posts in the listings. NurseIndia makes all efforts to post listings in the right categories but should it be listed in any close or relevant category, we are not liable for any damages and we will make our best efforts to rectify our error and repost in the right category. This site may contain links to third party services. We are neither connected with them nor do endorse their products or services. Deal with them at your risk. Fraudsters may use this platform to inveigle gullible people and defraud them. Please take adequate precautions to ensure you are dealing with genuine parties and before you make any commitment or make any payments. NurseIndia expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability of any kind whatsoever arising from the use of this site directly or indirectly or in any manner whatsoever. NurseIndia tries to maintain confidentiality of information submitted by users but does not, in any way, accept responsibility or liability should the site be hacked or should anyone attack the site and obtain the data.